Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quick Quotes from Renzo Gracie

Credit mma.tv/tuf

Renzo Gracie was on TUF tonight to field questions from fans

"i don't agree with my cousin rickson regarding his statement on the low level of fighters today. i think they are much better today then when royce was fighting in the first ufc. back then it was a joke. it was like beating drunk people at the bar. thank god i got a chance to fight tough guys and really test my skills and the quality of my jiu jitsu."

"1. toughest fight was bj penn really though it is always my next one 2.i would like to finish the job against frank shamrock for my next fight3. 3. a lot of good new guys out there and i am fortunate to have a lot of them in my academy and i have the pleasure of watching them perform. i have a lot of sympathy for matt serra, ricardo almeida and john danaher. they are great teachers, great people and great instructors of bjj. 4. i look up to everyone who steps up in the ring and gives his best, even if he is fresh meat. he then has my admiration."

"i spit on oyama because he was acting like i was the one stalling when it was actually him. even after i spit on him, he still wouldn't fight. stalling was the only way he survived. when he fought ryan, he tried to fight and ryan broke his arm"

"i think drugs in mma is cheating. people are looking for short cuts. it takes real time to get where you must be, and short cuts are only for insecure people "

"i think the reason for my success is that i am honest with myself. i try not to be something i am not. and people are sympathetic to that because they appreciate honesty. "

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