Monday, February 18, 2008

Wanderlei Silva to middleweight?


Wanderlei Silva to middleweight?

Despite his loss to Chuck Liddell on December 29th, the Brazilian Wanderlei Silva demonstrated a lot of heart and physical vigor to fans, who await his return to the octagon.
Over the last few days rumors have surfaced saying Wand is about to confirm his next fight and his adversary will likely be one of the fighters most linked to a shot at the belt: winner of the third season of the “The Ultimate Fighter” reality show Keith Jardine. To clear matters up, contacted Wand’s team in the United States and spoke with his physical trainer Rafael Alejarra.
“Wanderlei made the most of his holidays to rest his body and mind. But we’ve already done a bit of training this weekend and starting tomorrow things will pick up. As we only just got back now and today is a holiday here (Las Vegas) we can’t confirm anything about the next fight, if just because there is the chance Wand will drop down in weight. Every fight and adversary is different, which is why we have to wait to define our training plan. If he should drop to middleweight, we will work on his losing weight and preserving his muscle mass, losing only water and fat and not strength and size, since he normally weight 98 kilos. But nothing’s for sure yet, we’ll wait and see,” said Alejarra, who in January spent time in Cuba where he watched up close the training methods of athletes in the country.

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