Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Couture Back in UFC Fold

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
by Staff

Six-time UFC champion Randy Couture (Pictures) will return to the Octagon this November, ending an 11-month legal battle with the promotion he’s called his home for the last 11 years.

As part of a new multi-fight contract with Zuffa LLC, parent company to the UFC, Couture (16-8) will face Brock Lesnar (Pictures) (3-0) at UFC 91 on Nov. 15 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas. The bout will be waged over five rounds for Couture’s heavyweight championship title.

“As you all know, we’ve had problems with Randy over the last few months, but we’ve got them all worked out now. Randy has always been our heavyweight champion,” said UFC President Dana White.

A previously announced bout between UFC interim heavyweight champion Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Frank Mir scheduled for December will determine the next contender for the UFC heavyweight crown, said White. White described the scenario as a “heavyweight tournament.”

Under the new agreement, the UFC will also attempt to lock down a bout between Couture and No. 1 ranked heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko in 2009. The highly anticipated bout has been heralded as the fight of the decade.

We’re gonna do everything we can to make that fight happen,” said White. “Emelianenko’s under another contract right now to another promotion and if we can work it out with the other promotion we will, but we’re not going to screw around with another contract.”

It is believed Emelianenko recently signed an exclusive U.S. contract with the rival promotion Affliction Entertainment. It is not known how many fights Emelianenko has committed to. White said he would not be open to a co-promotion effort with the rival organization.

“I think a lot of compromises were made on both sides,” said Couture, “but we’re both ready to try and move forward. We’ve cleared the air and we’re both in different places than we were a year ago. Sitting last year in legal fights was not something I’ve enjoyed.”

Couture’s abrupt departure from the UFC last October dealt a significant blow to the world’s most visible MMA promotion. Zuffa’s inability to land Pride heavyweight champion Emelianenko played a prominent role in the Couture’s decision to walk away, as did the fighter’s discontent with his pay and treatment by the Las Vegas-based company.

With his resignation, Couture left behind two contracted bouts, his UFC heavyweight crown, and a separate employment contract for on-air commentary services.

The 45-year-old Couture’s return to the UFC signals the end of arbitration proceedings over the fighter’s promotional contract that were underway in Las Vegas. A separate lawsuit filed last January against Couture for breach of his employment contract has also been squashed.

Couture called his return to the UFC “a step in the right direction” to getting a bout with Emelianenko down the line.

A three-time All-American wrestler at Oklahoma State University, Couture won four national championships in Greco-Roman wrestling and made four attempts at qualifying for the Olympics. He made his MMA debut at UFC 13 on May 13, 1997, where, at age 33, he won its heavyweight tournament.

Over the course of the next decade, Couture emerged as one of the most decorated mixed martial artists in history. The UFC’s only six-time champion, he captured the heavyweight belt three times, the light heavyweight title twice, and an interim light heavyweight title as well. Couture was the first fighter to win UFC championships in two weight classes.

His run through the promotion included a memorable trilogy with light heavyweight rival Chuck Liddell (Pictures), the only opponent to beat Couture twice. Following his third bout with Liddell in February 2006, Couture announced his first retirement. Couture returned in March 27 to topple 6-foot-8 giant Tim Sylvia (Pictures) for the UFC heavyweight crown.

Couture has not stepped back into the Octagon since his third-round pummeling of Gabriel Gonzaga (Pictures) at UFC 74 in August 2007.


UFC will make Couture's return official at Noon PT

After 11 months of fighting in the courts it looks like the UFC and Randy Couture have buried the hatchet. The promotion is holding a press conference on Tuesday at Noon PT to announce a new deal with the heavyweight champion.
Couture is expected to face Brock Lesnar at UFC 91 in Portland in what could be the biggest pay-per-view show in the UFC's history. There is also talk now that with a win over Lesnar, Couture could face Fedor Emelianenko in 2009, under the UFC banner.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Genghis Con Beef Video: Matt Serra vs GSP Break Downs Kj Noons

We break down the KJ Noons cryfest point by point.

"Honor my contract. Elite XC wants to talk about honoring the contract. How about when Elite XC honored the contract and my pay to fight Edson Berto went down after I lost my first fight. That was not part of my contract. Or how about the contract Gary Shaw breached by not promoting my boxing career? Gary Shaw only gave me one out of four of the agreed upon fights. I have not boxed for over a year. When I signed with Elite XC, I was promised they would promote both my boxing and MMA careers. I could have signed with another MMA only company, but I wanted to box too."

GF- 1) Earth to KJ; you don't have a boxing career. No one in the boxing world knows who you are. 2) Another MMA company would have paid you less and not given you a title shot, especially when you were 1-1.
3) If you will not fight Diaz due to a breach of contract by EliteXC then why would you fight Alvarez for the same terms?

KJ- "Elite XC does me a favor after I lose, by putting me on the first ShoXC against Edson Berto? Berto’s father is good friends with Jared’s father, Gary Shaw who wants Berto’s brother on a boxing contract. Berto was the next guy Elite XC wanted to build. But I win that fight and now I am 1-1. Elite XC gives me an opportunity to fight Diaz. Elite XC puts me against Diaz because Elite XC’s roster was so light and there was nobody else to fight him.

Elite XC creates a new weight class for Diaz because he beat Gomi. Giving Diaz a belt and creating a weight division (160) he can make, will make your belt legit. Sorry to ruin Elite XC’s plans and beat him.

Elite XC never promoted or took care of me as their champion
KJ- "Elite XC does me a favor after I lose, by putting me on the first ShoXC against Edson Berto? Berto’s father is good friends with Jared’s father, Gary Shaw who wants Berto’s brother on a boxing contract. Berto was the next guy Elite XC wanted to build. But I win that fight and now I am 1-1. Elite XC gives me an opportunity to fight Diaz. Elite XC puts me against Diaz because Elite XC’s roster was so light and there was nobody else to fight him.

Elite XC creates a new weight class for Diaz because he beat Gomi. Giving Diaz a belt and creating a weight division (160) he can make, will make your belt legit. Sorry to ruin Elite XC’s plans and beat him.

Elite XC never promoted or took care of me as their champion."

GF- EliteXC weight classes were never dictated by Nick Diaz. Diaz would have preferred a 165lbs class. That's why he likes fighting in Japan at 167lbs. He has difficulty cutting to 160lbs. 2) Jake Shields has been promoted the same way and is quite happy.

KJ- "In the Elite XC’s DVD where Diaz and I fought there are two (2) baseball cards of Diaz and Kimbo. Hello! I won the fight and Elite XC’s promoting Diaz after I beat him? Or how about the day Elite XC flew Diaz in to do a signing on the DVD where he lost. Wow, that must have been uncomfortable Nick? Signing a DVD, and it is a fight that you lost. Why wasn’t I flown in for the signing?

Elite XC has never promoted me on either of their websites, EliteXC or Pro-Elite.

Elite XC offered me a fight on the first CBS show, but only if I signed a new long-term contract. Instead of promoting their best fighters on CBS, you have to be on a long term contract for them to promote you. That was not our deal."

GF- 1) Nick Diaz, Jake Shields and Frank Shamrock were flown in to shoot an instructional trailer on grappling for the CBS show. The signings were an after thought. You weren't flown in because you aren't a grappler. We are sure they will fly you in if they need an instructional on whining. 2) Your contract was for Showtime. Diaz and Shields both signed longer deals for CBS. Nathan Diaz signed a special long term contract for Spike TV etc...
This is a business not Burger King, you can't have it 'your way'.

KJ- "Consider when Elite XC gives a couple thousand tickets away at their CBS show in Stockton.

Elite XC gives me a hard time about comping me one extra ticket for my cousin that helped me train for my fight. I only get four tickets per show. I am the main event in Honolulu, my home town! I did not ask for any tickets for my family and friends and they gave me a hard time about one extra ticket!

Or how about when Elite XC brought Diaz into the ring after my last victory in Hawaii to disrespect me and my family."

GF- Diaz got no extra tickets in his home town of Stockton and isn't complaining. 2) Bringing a fighter into the ring to promote an upcoming fight is standard practice. Your (I could of been a contender) drunk father, started a near riot and should be banned from further events and immediately placed in an Alcoholics Anonymous treatment center for his own self respect.

KJ- "Chuck Champion (President Elite XC) threatens me, my family and my manager with lawsuits and how he’s going to sue me. HAHA. Pretty hard to sue a guy who does not make jack with your company. I’m glad $kala disclosed how much I make, which breached the confidentiality clause of the contract. I will break down the real numbers for you. I am the defending world champ, I have been the main event for Elite XC three out of four times on Showtime. In almost two years I have made approximately $83,000?

After paying my trainers and managers fee, I have $50,000 thousand. After taxes, probably 30 grand. Divide that by two years for $15,000 thousand a year. Divide by 52 weeks that amounts to approximately $300 a week. I do not know anybody that can survive on that amount of money. My buddies make more money than that in a couple days being a bus boy or bar back. And yes you can argue I should fight more. Elite XC doesn’t give me fights or promote me, they ice me. Gary Shaw Productions only gave me one of the agreed upon four fights per the boxing contract.

And I do not want to ramble on about all the little small stuff that I can keep going on about. But the straw that broke the camel’s back is they want me to fight Diaz for the second time. Diaz is not the number one contender and they are paying Diaz three times more money than me. Diaz complained after the Stockton fight, he was not paid enough. How do you think that made me feel? Yes you can argue that Diaz gets more for the draw, therefore I do not deserve as much compensation. If that is the case, it is a result of Elite XC terrible job promoting me. Instead of promoting me as their champ and upcoming athlete, Elite XC has resented me for ruining their plans to make Diaz their champ. That is just total disrespect. So it comes down to money and what is fair. I am tired of being bent over by Elite XC with no Vaseline."

GF- Promoters will sue when you don't fulfill the terms of your contract, just ask Randy Couture. By the way, you are not Randy Couture and the fight world is not holding it's breath waiting to see if you will fight again. 2) $83,000? There are several fighters that are a lot better than you fighting for a lot less. Pay your dues and quit being a little bitch. 3) You are paying your management too high of a percentage and here's some advice you should consider, "they are completely incompetent". 4) Chuck Liddell makes 100s of thousands more than Keith Jardine even though he lost to him. Diaz does not complain that Kimbo makes much more. He understands marketability, why can't you? 5) Divide this and then multiply it several times: KJ = little bitch > KJ = real champion
6) We agree you do need more Vaseline. You are used to it and damn those EliteXC guys for not using it when they bend you over.

KJ- "I am right when I say Diaz is not the number one contender. Elite XC is trying to force this fight for their ratings. Eddie Alaverez is the number one contender and anybody with half a brain knows that a fight with Eddie is a way harder fight for me than Diaz. I will fight Diaz, but Elite has to be fair. I’m not ducking Diaz, why the hell would I be scared of someone I already beat.

With that being said, I am going to focus on my boxing career. I can make more money doing 6 and 8 rounders every other month and make more than I did being the Elite XC defending world champ. At least I will be able to sleep at night and be able to look myself in the mirror everyday. That right there is worth more than $300 bucks a week or fighting a guy I cannot stand for less money than him the second time around.

Will the Diaz fight happen, yes. Will the fight happen on Elite XC on October 4, 2008, probably not. The way things are being run by Chuck Champion, a guy whose history is newspapers, not fighting, and $kala, someone who talks a lot of game, but has never put on a pair of gloves, never stepped in a ring or cage. $kala has had everything handed to him with a silver spoon from daddy. Does anyone else but me think $kala just wants to be famous and stir up all this dirty laundry? I guess any publicity is good publicity. When I think about it, it has been good promotion for their October card since nobody is talking about it until you bring up the Noons vs. Diaz match up."

GF- 1) It is not up to you to decide who the #1 contender is. That is EliteXC's sole discretion. Patrick Cote will soon be fighting Anderson Silva at the UFC's sole discretion. Silva is not complaining because he fights whomever they put in front of him. Silva fought Rich Franklin after wrecking him the 1st time. Serra rematched GSP his very next fight after demolishing him. Serra got paid less than GSP even though he was the Champion after the 1st fight. These men are true Champions and fight anyone. This is a concept you cannot seem to grasp. 2) You are scared because Diaz, despite having a terrible showing last time was stopped by cuts. God forbid the doctor that let the fight continue against Gomi had been calling the shots at your fight. In your heart you know what would have happened and you would rather live the lie of being a paper champion. 3) What will EliteXC ever do without you? I guess you will have to watch from your couch. Drink a beer. Prepare to make a ritual of it.

Thiago Alves interview

Thiago “Pitbull” Alves
By Guilherme Cruz
"I’m looking forward to exchange some punches with Sanchez, to show him the difference between a Striker and somebody that just learned it now"

The most natural destiny for Thiago “Pitbull” Alves after the impressing knockout against Matt Hughes is a titleshot, but after that he’ll have to prove his talent one more time against a tough opponent: Diego Sanchez. “I’m preparing something different (for Sanchez). He developed his stand-up game, I’m looking forward to exchange some punches with him, to show him the difference between a Striker and somebody that just learned it now”, said Pitbull. In an exclusive interview to TATAME, that you’ll read here tomorrow, the ATT athlete spoke about the fight, the next match (if wins) against St. Pierre and a dream fight against BJ Penn, and a lot more. Check tomorrow, here at TATAME, the exclusive interview with Thiago Alves.

How is the preparation for the next fight?

It’s great… I still have nine weeks for the fight, but I’m ready for tomorrow if I needed. I’m doing a good diet and my preparation is fucking great, couldn’t be better.

How do you think will be the fight?

I’ll knock him out. He’s tough, goes for the fight, and that’s what I like, come right to me. He brings a lot of pressure for the fight, a strong pass, and I wanna see if he handles my pass too. My intention is always a knockout.

Will you fight like you did against Matt Hughes or you prepared something different this time?

I’m preparing something different... He developed his stand-up game, I’m looking forward to exchange some punches with him, to show him the difference between a Striker and somebody that just learned it now. I’ll wait and work on his mistakes too.

After this fight, will you finally face Georges St. Pierre for the WW belt?

Yes. We had a press conference last week and went to Chicago , and Dana (White) said that who wins this fight will get a title shot. Is kill or die now!

Were you expecting a title shot after you knockout over Hughes?

Man, I were expecting that, but UFC always does this type of things… I had my fight, put me on media, grew my image and now I’ll have to beat another one to sell more pay-per-view… I expected this type of thing too…

How would be a fight between you and GSP?

It would be awesome. I respect him a lot, he’s a good person, a gentleman, don’t keep saying shit about the other fighters, and is complete. He’s a huge Striker, has a good Wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu, but I believe I’m a better Striker than he is. With all respect, I bet on me.

Did you watched his fight against Jon Fitch?

Yes, I was there and it was a hell of a fight. Jon impressed me a lot because he kept until the end, but I expected more from him… He’s tough, but St. Pierre was better, but he didn’t impressed me neither.

Which was Jon Fitch’s mistake?

He waited too much, and GSP is great on strategies and put him down on the beginning. He works well on the others mistake. When you see a guy like him on TV you create this image in your head, and it can’t happen… You both are humans, has two arms and two legs, and up there is only you, God and no one else.

Which do you think would be GSP’s strategies against you?

I don’t think too much and what will be my opponent’s strategies against me, but he’d probably wouldn’t stand with me and try to put me down. He would try to do everything, and I’m ready for that, I want that, because it’s all about me, I control the fight.

BJ Penn said he’d like to face St. Pierre … What do you think about that?

BJ is great, man. I’m a big fan of him, he’s a phenon. On the first fight (between them), BJ got tired, but he was doing well. I think it’s great, I wanna fight the best and it would be great to face him. Win St. Pierre and then BJ, I don’t wanna nothing more in my life (laughs).

How do you think will be Thiago Silva’s fight with Lyoto Machida?

It’ll be a great fight. He’s a great fighter and is training hard… UFC will watch one of 2008’s greatest fights. I’ll be there and Thiago will win!

How are you doing your weight cutting now that Andre Benkei left ATT?

Benkei left ATT because he had too, he wasn’t well here, but I’ll continue with him. Where Benkei is, I’ll be with him. He will continue with some ATT athletes and now he’s a freelancer, he can train whoever he wants and it won’t be a problem. I support him, but I’ll continue at ATT.

Shogun Rua Interview

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Belfort vs. Lindland for Affliction's belt


By Guilherme Cruz

The knockout over Terry Martin at Affliction’s first edition didn’t only put Vitor Belfort back to victories, but can get him a title fight. Belfort’s broken hand might not be a trouble for his next fight. “The doctor will analyze it, but I may stay four weeks out. I’ll come back in October 11th to fight Matt Lindland for the belt”, told the athlete, that will face the Fábio Negão’s opponent on Affliction’s first event.

“It’ll be a great fight, we’ll see who is the best of the world there”, said Belfort, that guarantees his style will be a problem for Lindland. “I saw his fight with Negão and he’s a warrior... He comes be over you, but I don’t think he has the strength to stay over me”, analyzes Vitor, that wants another knockout on his career. “I’ll go to knock him out… My punches are well-aimed and when it hits he won’t stand”, guarantees Belfort.

MSNBC Top 10 MMA fighters

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doug DeLuca and Gary Shaw resign ProElite, Inc. positions


ProElite, Inc. Executive Chairman Doug DeLuca and EliteXC Live Events President Gary Shaw have both resigned their positions with the company and will instead serve as consultants.

The resignations appeared in ProElite's latest Securities Exchange Committee filing.

The report, filed today with an "earliest event reported" date of July 23, is available at

News of the resignations come just three days after EliteXC's second nationally televised event on CBS. The follow-up event to the May 31 network-TV debut featured better production values and an improved overall pace to the broadcast, though ratings slipped by 40 percent without top stars Kevin "Kimbo Slice" and Gina Carano on the card.

Shaw, the recent front man for EliteXC, recently took a reduced role with the organization. In a media conference call earlier this month, DeLuca said the strain of the job had taken a toll on Shaw's health, family and the promoter's boxing ventures. The New Jersey-based Shaw didn't attend this past weekend's EliteXC event in Stockton, Calif.

DeLuca, ProElite's former Chief Executive Officer, resigned the position in February and became ProElite's Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Chairman for the Board of Directors. Along with Head of Fight Relations Jeremy Lappen, he's been EliteXC's most visible executives since Shaw's role was retooled.

Shaw and DeLuca, who both joined the company upon its formation in late 2006, also stepped down from ProElite's Board of Directors.

The next three months for EliteXC will be the busiest in the organization's young history. EliteXC currently has two ShoXC events, a Showtime broadcast, and a third CBS show all scheduled through Oct. 4.

Tito Ortiz vs. "Babalu" Sobral, Pedro Rizzo vs. Paul Buentello Possible for Affliction 2


Sources have told Yahoo! Sports that free agent Tito Ortiz will fight Renato "Babalu" Sobral in the co-main event at Affliction's next fight card, on Oct. 11 at the Thomas & Mack Center on the UNLV campus in Las Vegas. The main event will feature a heavyweight bout between WAMMA champion Fedor Emelianenko and Andrei Arlovski.

Affliction vice president Tom Atencio would not confirm the Ortiz-Babalu fight. He said details for the fight card will be released during an Aug. 6 news conference that most likely will be held in Las Vegas.

Atencio also indicated that he didn't think Affliction could speak with Ortiz until Aug. 4 because of a 60-day non-compete clause in Ortiz's UFC contract. Ortiz's last fight for UFC was on May 24 at UFC 84. If the 60-day clause is accurate, the deal ended last weekend. Atencio said the biggest stumbling block for an Ortiz deal would be the financial terms.

Over in the FanPosts, reader smoogy notes the potential PPV boon that could come along with the Ortiz signing, with figures for Tito's last five UFC fights courtesy of MMAPayout and Dave Meltzer:

UFC 59 - Ortiz v. Griffin - 425,000
UFC 61 - Ortiz v. Shamrock II - 775,000
UFC 66 - Liddell v. Ortiz - 1,050,000
UFC 73 - Ortiz v. Evans - 425,000
UFC 84 - Ortiz v. Machida - 475,000-525,000

Average: 635,000

Meanwhile, Brazilian heavyweight Pedro Rizzo spoke to about his knockout loss at the hands of Josh Barnett on the first Affliction bill, and stated that he expects to be back in action for the October 11th show:

Pedro Rizzo’s debute on Affliction wasn’t the way he was expecting. After ten months away from fighting, the Brazilian fighter felt a little the time but didn’t searched for excuses to explain the loss. "It was my fault. I did everything right, trained hard, but didn’t used it on the fight, I got stucked on the ring. I believe it’s because of the ten months without fighting, but I don’t have excuses. I was trained, ready, but didn’t fought well", said Rizzo, that will fight again at Affliction’s second show. "I’ll fight at October 11th, but I don’t know whom yet. They (Affliction) talked about Paul Buentello, but there’s nothing right yet", finished the athlete, that is back on trainings for his next fight.

Inside the mind of Rampage


On July 15, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, the former UFC light heavyweight champion, lived up to his nickname. But not in a positive light.
After treating the 55 Freeway near Newport Beach, Calif., as a demolition derby, crashing into multiple cars with his raised Ford truck (which had his image emblazoned on the side), Jackson soon found himself behind prison bars.
"I was very scared for him," said a source close to Jackson who asked not to be identified.
Rampage's seismic shift from an idolized mixed martial artist began after he relinquished his title on points to Forrest Griffin UFC 86 on July 5. The decision to fire Juanito Ibarra, his trainer, manager and occasionally spiritual mentor, came shortly thereafter. A lack of food and sleep compounded unsettling behavior, and TMZ photos of Jackson face down in the street at the rear of his Bigfoot-inspired truck -- its left front tire shredded -- documented the result of a dangerous chase with police
Word of Jackson's arrest spread quickly, and within hours, Ultimate Fighting Championship President Dana White flew in from Las Vegas with $25,000 cash in hand. Finding a bail bondsman, Ibarra, who has ignored repeated attempts for comment since the incident, also appeared ready to bail Rampage out of jail.
Upon Jackson's release, the plan was to make the switch from a Costa Mesa jail cell to a psychiatric hospital bed. He refused help, and no one was going to convince him otherwise. The only place he was headed was home.
Rampage demanded silence when he wasn't offering words of faith. He spoke of a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and people aligned with the devil.
"Mentally he wasn't there," said the source. "It was almost as if he was possessed. He heard voices. He thought he was a God."
Talk amongst people in the house turned to the need for medical help. At first, they tried convincing Rampage to head for the hospital. That failed, tempers flared and police, thankfully, intervened. Several hours later, the fighter was under psychiatric hold.
"He went very easy" with police, said the source.
Three days later, rested and nourished, Rampage was reunited with friends.
"He would still make comments that were slightly weird," said Jackson's longtime associate. "You could tell that he wasn't all the way there, but each day you could tell he was better."
Against lawyers' advice, Jackson has gone out several times. Fan requests for autographs at a local mall have been happily fulfilled. His only other trips are to outpatient treatment, which he attends daily.
"He knows what he went through," said the source. "He knew he had an emotional breakdown that led to a mental breakdown. Not eating and not sleeping kind of helped with that."
In 2004, Jackson experienced a similar incident when he claimed he was touched by Jesus in a dream, scaring him enough to bolt from his apartment with his son D'Angelo in tow. That night he was born again.
Jackson, a Memphis native, was hardly a modest man. With his MMA success, family and friends wondered how he was going to deal with a life that now demanded giving so much to something other than himself?
In reality, the answer could have applied to D'Angelo, born from a relationship during his wrestling days at Lassen Community College in Northern California. And his faith.
The pressure to live an evangelical life weighed heavy. Jackson became celibate and focused his mental and physical energy on training for his Oct. 31, 2004 fight against Wanderlei Silva, the PRIDE 205-pound champion who had previously caved in Jackson's head with over 20 consecutive knees roughly a year prior.
While the first month of balancing his new-found faith with everyday life was a cakewalk, the same could not be said for the second month. After reading on the Internet that fasting would keep the devil away, Jackson abstained from food for three days, ingesting only water and keeping details of his diet secretive.
What Jackson didn't realize was his fast had depleated his body and virtually killed any chance of defeating Silva. An inspired opening round gave way to fatigue in the second for Jackson, while Silva, not needing any kind of edge to begin with, brutally beat Rampage until he was unconscious and lay motionless between ropes.
But the loss in the ring did nothing to quell Rampage's relationship with the higher power. Rather, news that his father, who had abandoned him when he was 10 years old and was also born again, provided additional proof that everything happens for a reason. The loss to Silva was, therefore, easier to deal with, and the backdrop for Jackson's future relationship with Ibarra slowly unfolded.
In talking with Jackson about leading his promising career, Ibarra preached his faith as if he was leading a congregation. His gospel-like tune continued to play throughout their time together, as each training camp featured religious themes were displayed prominently around the gym. Ibarra's "son" believed in himself again, and pieces appeared to fall into place when Jackson defeated Chuck Liddell for a second time May of last year.
The victory, Rampage would tell me in a rambling late-night call from Ireland a month later, was already decided.
"Ya'll don't see how it was just perfect timing?" he asked. "Ya'll don't see that it was written? Ya'll can't see that that was planned? That that was destiny? Ya'll don't see that cause ya'll don't have the eyes that I have. You don't know what God stored in me. I'm God's street soldier. No matter what happens I will always be God's street soldier, and I always know he's going to take care of me. And everything's going to be OK."
Everything, save the pact between Jackson and Ibarra. With defeat as the impetus, Jackson responded to rough terrain by relieving the trainer of his duties, though "bottom line, somehow, someway it all involves money," said the fighter's friend.
As an Aug. 15 court date approaches for the 30-year-old father of four, a search for a new representation is underway. And, though he is only two weeks removed from an incident that allegedly sent pedestrians scurrying for their lives, the UFC is said to be interested in a November return for Rampage with a third fight against Silva.
His appearance in the cage will depend primarily on his mental state. But, as Jackson says himself, everything happens for a reason

Friday, June 20, 2008

UFC 2009 revealed


You don't have to be a geometry pro to know that stepping into the Ultimate Fighting Championship's octagon will leave you in pretty bad shape. Luckily, publisher THQ is making the UFC virtually painless -- the company just announced UFC 2009 Undisputed for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Sure, we've seen some decent UFC games in the past, but this is the first time that THQ (known for publishing the WWE SmackDown vs. Raw games) is entering the eight-sided cage. The in-ring experience of making the SmackDown vs. Raw games will certainly help, too -- the developer of those games, Yuke's, will be making Undisputed (though the team that works on the wrestling game won't be creating the UFC title -- at least the company knows how to do man-on-man action right). And it seems to be taking its first UFC fight seriously: Yuke's is constructing a brand-new fighting engine for the game, which is great to hear because Undisputed is already kicking ass graphically.

As far as features go, Undisputed has what you would expect from any sports game nowadays: a robust career mode, Create-A-Fighter, and online support (including downloadable content). This is all THQ will reveal at the moment, but we also know that Undisputed will feature over 80 fighters -- pretty impressive considering we can't even name 10 UFC fighters without resorting to Wikipedia. Right now only Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Forrest Griffin are confirmed to be in the game, but if you want to know some of the other fighters who will appear (along with how the combat system works), check out the August issue of EGM for an in-depth preview.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Affliction vs. UFC on July 19th

UFC looks to take some fire away from Affliction cards by throwing together a free event on Spike TV

venue: The Palms in Las Vegas, Nevada

-Anderson Silva (#1 Middleweight in the World)* vs. James Irvin (at Light Heavyweight)
-Hermes Franca vs. Frankie Edgar
-Anthony Johnson vs. Kevin Burns
-Nate Loughran vs. Johnny Rees

Main card airs live on Spike TV

*Based on MMAWeekly World MMA Rankings

Still Afflictions card is pretty solid

venue: The Honda Center in Anaheim, California

Bouts Scheduled to Air on Pay-Per-View:
-Fedor Emelianenko (#1 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Tim Sylvia (#5 Heavyweight in the World)*
-Josh Barnett (#4 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Pedro Rizzo
-Andre Arlovski (#6 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Ben Rothwell
-Renato "Babalu" Sobral vs. Mike Whitehead
-Matt Lindland vs. Fabio Negao

Bouts Scheduled to Air on Fox Sports Net:
-Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (#8 Light Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Vernon "Tiger" White
-Aleksander Emelianenko (#10 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. Paul Buentello

Preliminary Bouts:
-Vitor Belfort vs. Terry Martin
-Justin Levens vs. Patrick Speight
-Mike Pyle vs. J.J. Ambrose
-Trenell "Savant" Young vs. Mark Hominick

Fuck it I'll watch both

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mirko to Face Jerome LeBanner

Statement from Mirko Crocop:

Yes, I'm going to fight on July 20. I was looking forward to appearing on the DREAM 4 card on June 15 and I based my preparations on that. I suffered a minor leg injury last week, but it doesn't affect my trainings. During a wrestling session, I slipped and felt pain in my left knee, but the medical exams have confirmed that no damage was done. I'm wearing a special bandage just as a precaution."

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sherk Passes Drug Test

Following some confusion over the recent drug test results of former Ultimate Fighting Championship lightweight titleholder Sean Sherk in Nevada, the official results are in. Keith Kizer, the executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission, told on Tuesday via email, “The NSAC received Mr. Sherk’s steroid and drug test results this morning and they were all negative.”

Initial reports last week had stated that Sherk had already been cleared as part of Nevada’s new out-of-competition testing process. Kizer on Friday, however, notified that, “Mr. Sherk was tested as a condition of licensure. We have not yet received the results of that test, the sample for which was given on or about April 22, 2008.”

The negative result confirms that Sherk has been cleared for licensure and will be able to challenge B.J. Penn, the current UFC lightweight champion, on May 24 in the main event of UFC 84 in Las Vegas.

Sherk was suspended in California for failing a drug test following his victory over Hermes Franca on July 7 in Sacramento. He was subsequently stripped of the title. As of April 14, he fulfilled the terms of his suspension in California and was removed from the active suspension list.

As previously reported, Penn was tested by Nevada as part of the new out-of-competition procedure. His test results came back negative on April 23 according to Kizer.

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Tito Ortiz was also drug tested recently and returned negative results. Kizer indicated that the commission also intends to test Ortiz’s opponent, Lyoto Machida.

Nick Diaz off Dream 3 Card ( Back On Again)

After days of confusion and frustration, it appears that Nick Diaz (Pictures) will be fighting Sunday in Japan after all.

"It was off, then on, then off again … now it's back on," said Diaz's trainer, Cesar Gracie (Pictures). "I won't really believe it until he is on the plane tomorrow morning heading to Japan."

Diaz will spend his last few hours in the United States cutting weight before heading to Japan to face former King of Pancrase Katsuya Inoue (Pictures) in Dream.

"Tonight we will be pulling an all-nighter cutting weight," Gracie said late Wednesday. "Nick was under the impression he wasn't fighting. So now we have to get the weight back down before he leaves."

At one time Diaz was set to compete on Dream's April 29 card, a date Gracie said was approved by EliteXC. However, Diaz's participation became uncertain after promoter Fight Entertainment Group moved the date of his bout to Sunday.

EliteXC President Gary Shaw originally pulled Diaz from this weekend's card because the contest was said to be too close to the June 14 EliteXC match between Diaz and Muhsin Corbbrey (Pictures) in Hawaii.

Gracie stated that ProElite CEO Doug DeLuca was to thank for making the Diaz-Inoue bout happen.

"He thought Nick sort of got screwed with the whole California Athletic Commission thing," Gracie said, referencing the California commission's removal of Diaz from a March matchup against Jae Suk Lim

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wanderlei bets at Jacaré

By Guilherme Cruz
Photo Marcelo Alonso

Teammates at Xtreme Couture, Randy Couture’s team at Las Vegas , Wanderlei Silva bet at Ronaldo Jacaré at his debut at Japanese ring. Selected to face Frank Trigg at Dream middleweight GP schedule for April 29, Jacaré has the Mr. Pride confidence. “Jacaré is going as the underdog. As he don’t have many fights he is not well-known but training with him, I appoint his as the favorite”, said Wand that analyzed the best skills of Jacaré: “He has 1,75 tall and he is tall and strong for the category. I said to him to make his game, to make what he knows better. At the clinch, is very difficult to get out without suffer any damage. He is getting better each day and I think he is one of the favorites”.

Thiago Silva fight to keep undefeatable


By Guilherme Cruz
Photo Marcelo Alonso

With an impressive résumé at MMA, Thiago Silva is already appointed as one of the bests at his category at the UFC. After a easy win against Houston Alexandre, Thiago will face the also undefeatable Antônio Samuray, with 11 victories at his card. But first, Thiago commented his last fight. “ Houston is very strong. I trained a lot and I made an specific tactical train because he has strong punches. I impose my game because he won all his fights at the stand up game and nobody knew how was his ground game. So I made the right thing and finish the fight”, analyzed Thiago.

Thiago didn’t want to face a Brazilian but he state that he is professional. “Unfortunately I am going to face a Brazilian, but I am here to work. I don’t choose my opponents. Ultimate wants me to face him so I will. I know that he is a striker but nothing scare me. I saw some of him fights at the internet and apparently he had never face a international level athlete. He is having his opportunity and I am here. Theoretically I came from a much hardest fight”, said Thiago.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


by Jeff Cain -

Randy "The Natural" Couture has become as well known for his fight picks as he has for his exploits inside the Octagon. MMAWeekly spoke with the current Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight titleholder about the UFC 83 main event, the rematch between welterweight champion Matt "The Terror" Serra and interim titleholder Georges "Rush" St. Pierre.

"That's going to be a fantastic fight," Couture told MMAWeekly. “Matt is obviously stepping into enemy territory in Montreal and fighting Georges to defend his title."

Matt Serra earned his shot at the welterweight belt by winning season four of The Ultimate Fighter and seized the opportunity, finishing St. Pierre by TKO to obtain the title.

Discussing Serra, Couture commented, "I have a lot of respect for Matt. The integrity he showed as a mixed martial artist during the course of the television show was tremendous. He's a great technical fighter. His grappling skills are terrific."

Switching gears to the challenger, Couture said, "I think we're seeing a Georges St. Pierre that's really coming to the peak of his game. He's firing on all cylinders. He's got it back on track and performing like we expected him to perform back when he fought Serra (the first time).

"I think it's going to be a very good fight," said Couture, as he prefaced his prediction. "I don't think Matt's going to go away easy, but I think Georges is going to probably have the answer for Matt this time. I think Georges is probably going to win that fight."

Ortiz tried to hire Belfort for his trainer to face Lyoto

By Guilherme Cruz

Carlson Gracie’s black belt, Vitor Belfort, that is training at Minotauro team and at Nova Geração, bet at Lyoto Machida, his ex-train mate, in his next bout at UFC 84 in May, against Tito Ortiz. “Lyoto has the skills to win, but is a tough fight. Two famous athletes, but I believe that Lyoto has more chances, he is at fight rhythm and Tito is star”, tell Belfort that reveal that Toto Ortiz tried to hire him to help at train to the fight.

“Tito wanted to hire me with a lot of money, but I said no. I said that money can’t buy everything. I respect Lyoto a lot, we trained together and he is Brazilian. I thank and said that maybe in another opportunity, but not now. Lyoto is Brazilian and that is his time”, said the ex-UFC champion, that commented about the Brazilians that went abroad to train.

I am very satisfied here at , with my coaches, my family, everything is nice here. I think people kid yourselves with going to . Each one has to look for their goals and by happy. I think this is nice because its shows that the sport is growing, increasing the value of the athlete”, said Belfort , that now is a presenter at a the Brazilian cable TV Premiere Combate, exclusive about fights.

Friday, March 21, 2008

New Mirko Interview

Newest interview with CroCop, translated from

1. It was your first fight after two defeats. Were you nervous about your comeback to the ring?

Mirko: I wasn't nervous, I've been fighting in the ring for many years and I feel at home in it. I was excited about fighting in Japan again.

2. You looked impressive in the ring. You bulked up, did you do it on purpose or did it just happen?

Mirko: Gaining muscle mass was a 6 months process and I did it primarily to increase my raw strength.

3. Your boxing techniques looked fresh? Did the work with Marijan Zizanovic pay off?

Mirko: We train really hard and it's for sure that some credits for it should be given to Marijan. He's a real expert, I should have started this cooperation even sooner. It's a sure thing that my stand-up techniques will look even better in my next fights.

4. Did you think, theoretically, about what would have happened if you had lost one more fight? You are much better than Mizuno, but a single punch in this sport can decide a winner?

Mirko: I don't think about defeats, I'm well motivated and focused on bigger fights in the future and wins, of course.

5. How did it feel to return back to Japan after the US episode? Your popularity in Japan is still incredible, Saitama (and the atmosphere) is looking almost exactly like in PRIDE?

Mirko: The feeling was just fantastic, we can say that Japan is my second home. Japanese fans really respect this sport and the fighters, while Saitama is a place of some good memories.

6. Mizuno was a good warming-up, now you have more serious challenges in front of you. There are rumors about LeBanner, your old friend from your very first K1 fight, that you won?

Mirko: DREAM has mentioned several names for my next fight, it appears that my next opponent could be someone from K1. If it's LeBanner, that will be a big fight that I'm looking forward to.

7. Is it true that there is a one out of three chance in DREAM that you could face Sergey Kharitonov, who was one of the most well-rounded fighters in PRIDE?

Mirko: It's possible, it depends on DREAM, I want to fight against well known, great fighters.

8. Do you think that worldwide media is being a little bit unfair to you, after you spoiled them with an almost perfect score in last few years? After a brilliant open weight Grand Prix finale, you suffered two defeats, which made many people say that you are finished and that you have never been a top fighter.

Mirko: I don't think about this, my job is to fight and to do the best I can. Everyone can have an opinion, but in order to have a complete picture about this sport, people should try it themselves. A low motivation is a major problem for a fighter, and opinions like this are actually very motivating.

9. Your trademark is the worldwide famous high kick. You destroyed dozens of opponents with that kick, but exactly the same kick was devastating for you against Gonzaga. Is it hard to get back on track after such a loss and is it mentally tough to get back to the ring/cage again?

Mirko: My biggest problem in the UFC was a mental blockade, I spoke about it a few times already. I was empty, my motivation was low, I had no real desire to win the fight. It's very expensive in a fight.

10. Do you have any regrets about joining the UFC? I believe the difference was bigger than you could imagine. The cage, the rules, the audience, even the fighting style. Have you been surprised by the quality of UFC fighters - it was a common belief that PRIDE fighters were better?

Mirko: It's just another lesson for me. The UFC has some great fighters and the game is very different. The cage makes a difference too, but I'm looking forward to my return to the cage as I want to prove that I can be successful in it.

11. You announced that you'll return to the UFC and fight Gonzaga, Kongo and Nogueira again?

Mirko: All options are open but in this moment I only think about my next fight.

12. Your former sparring partner and BJJ trainer, Fabrizio Werdum, is getting better and more successful. Some credits probably go to your team where Fabricio learned a majority of his stand-up techniques. How is your relation with Werdum at the moment, there were even stories told that you could fight him in the UFC?

Mirko: It's a fair relationship, we trained together and we separated in a friendly manner.

13. News about you is always very popular among Index's readers. Do you surf the net yourself? You have your own blog now?

Mirko: I'm relatively often online, I get around better. Almost every evening I visit Index's website after my training, it contains very interesting news. Since a while I also have my own blog on where I post the latest information about my trainings, career and other interesting things.

Monday, March 17, 2008

UFC 84 Card

UFC 84 Bouts (officially announced):
-B.J. Penn vs. Sean Sherk
-Keith Jardine vs. Wanderlei Silva
-Lyoto Machida vs. Tito Ortiz
-Wilson Gouveia vs. Goran Reljic
-Thiago Silva vs. Antonio Mendes
-Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs. Kazuhiro Nakamura

UFC 84 Bouts (unannounced):
-Rousimar Palhares vs. Ivan Salaverry
-Dong-hyun Kim vs. Jason Tan
-Terry Etim vs. Jeremy Stephens
-Shane Carwin vs. Christian Wellisch

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dream 1 Event


By Ronnie Nathanielsz
Sat, 15 Mar 2008

Filipino ring gladiator and national treasure Manny Pacquiao steps into the ring tomorrow determined to finish some unfinished business when he engages WBC super featherweight champion Juan Manuel Marquez in a fight fans dream rematch before a sell-out crowd at the plush Mandalay Bay Resort Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

In one of his last workouts Pacquiao ripped the punch mitts screaming ”I will die for my country! Mabuhay Filipinas!” even as he appealed to his countrymen to come together to enjoy his fights and also in national unity.

The story of Pacquiao is a rags to riches story that dreamers weave and a whole new generation of young Filipinos seek to emulate.

Four years after their sensational first encounter in which Pacquiao dropped Marquez three times in the opening round with his awesome left but was amazed as the Mexican fought back to turn the tide for several rounds before Pacquiao recovered with a vengeance, nailed Marquez and earned a draw which both sides were unhappy about.

Pacquiao said later he “couldn’t believe it” even as celebrated trainer Freddie Roach told HBO Sports that after the “three knockdowns in the first round I thought the fight was over.”

Both Pacquiao and Marquez made it clear they didn’t want Joe Cortez who refereed their first clash and also the first Pacquiao-Erik “El Terrible” Morales battle to be appointed by the Nevada State Athletic Commission which apparently took their sentiments into consideration and named Kenny Bayless who handled Pacquiao-Morales II as the third man in the ring.

After going their separate ways with Pacquiao opting to stick with Top Rank promoter Bob Arum and Marquez leaving Arum and joining Golden Boy Promotions after Arum junked a planned rematch with Pacquiao for the first fight in an epic trilogy between Erik “El Terrible” Morales and Pacquiao, the two sides have finally got what they both longed for – a chance to finish some “Unfinished Business.”

The fight card will be telecast by Solar Sports in cooperation with GMA 7 and will also be shown on pay-per-view over Dream Satellite TV and in several theaters throughout the country.

The nation’s life is certain to grind to a halt as fight fans, families and friends gather around television sets in their homes or public venues to watch the Philippines most popular personality by far, strive once again to enhance the pride and glory he brings to the country even as he continues to appeal for national unity.

The fight may be just as difficult as achieving national unity. A poll among twenty experts handpicked by the “Bible” of boxing Ring Magazine was dead even, 10-10, with Pacquiao evening it up through the magazine’s Philippine correspondent Ted Lerner and this reporter picking Pacquiao to win. But while the Ring chosen experts were deadlocked, the magazine’s respected editor-in-chief Nigel Collins predicted that Pacquiao, being the great fighter he is will win “convincingly” over a very good fighter, Marquez.

Among those who have regularly visited the Wild Card Gym to provide Pacquiao with moral support have been Top Rank promoter Bob Arum, the “Living Legend” of Philippine basketball, former Sen. Robert Jaworski and the Filipino member of the hit group Black Eyed Peas Apple Pineda.

Also expected to be at special ringside aside from Jaworski will be his brother-in-law Sen. Bong Revilla and a host of other government officials led by Vice president Noli De Castro and Speaker Prospero Nograles.

Golden Boy Promotions vice president and international matchmaker Eric Gomez says Marquez has “mentally prepared like there’s no tomorrow” for the rematch which will be telecast by Solar Sports in cooperation with GMA 7.

On the eve of the fight Gomez told Viva Sports/Manila Standard, “obviously Marquez feels he has the advantage because to him its do or die. He’s got to win this fight if not, there’s nothing after this.” For Pacquiao he’s got bigger and better things while for Marquez it doesn’t get any bigger than this.”

The Golden Boy executive said Marquez’s “mentality is very, very good right now and it looks like his body has built up already to a 130 pounds” pointing out that when he fought Marco Antonio Barrera last year that was the first time he moved up to 130 and he still looked a little small but now he looks a lot bigger. He’s built himself into that weight.”

Gomez however conceded that Marquez who is promoted by Golden Boy has a “very , very tough task because he’s fighting the best fighter in the world. Manny is the best fighter right now and he’s the top guy and Marquez has a very tall hill to climb.”

Gomez who watched Marquez train at the Romanza Gym in Mexico City said he expects it to be a very tough fight but that Marquez was “in the best shape I have ever seen him.”

Top photo: Manny Pacquiao, of the Philippines, poses for photos on the scales during an official weigh-in ceremony at the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino in Las Vegas on Friday, March 14, 2008. Pacquiao will challenge Juan Manuel Marquez, of Mexico, in a 12-round WBC super featherweight title match on Saturday in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Fedor Re-Negotiating With the UFC

by Damian Sarcuni

According to MMA fightline, Fedor Emelianenko's management has re-opened negotiations with the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Their goal remains to set up a one-time fight between Fedor (27-1) and Randy Couture (16-8) that would take place inside the UFC. In order to make this happen, Couture would have to drop his current lawsuit against the UFC.

Couture has previously stated that a bout against Emelianenko is the only fight that he is interested in at this time. It should also be mentioned, however, that the UFC is rarely interested in signing fighters for one-fight contracts, and that this will likely be a detrimental factor in negotiations.

Dream1 Today!

Fight Card

DREAM 1: MARCH 15, 2008
venue: Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan

Lightweight Grand Prix (16-man tournament):
-Tatsuya Kawajiri (#2 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Kultar "Black Mamba" Gill
-Shinya Aoki (#3 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Gesias "JZ" Calvancante (#4 Lightweight in the World)*
-Mitsuhiro Ishida (#5 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Jung Bu-Kyung
-Joachim Hansen (#10 Lightweight in the World)* vs. Koutetsu Boku
-Kazuyuki Miyata vs. Luiz "Buscape" Firmino
-Andre "Dida" Amade vs. Eddie Alvarez
-Artur Oumakhanov vs. Katsuhiko Nagata

Non-Tournament Bouts:
-Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic (#8 Heavyweight in the World)* vs. MIZUNO TATSUYA
-Hayato "Mach" Sakurai vs. Hidetaka Monma
-Ikuhisa Minowa vs. Lee Gwan

* Based on MMAWeekly World MMA Rankings

Saturday, March 15, 2008 - by


As television deals seem to be falling into place left and right in the mixed martial arts industry, Fight Entertainment Group, the primary partner behind the new Dream mixed martial arts promotion in Japan, has agreed to an American broadcasting deal with HDNet, according to sources close to the negotiations.

Although no contracts have been signed, FEG and HDNet have reportedly agreed to the primary terms of the deal, which would air the promotion’s April 29 Dream event on a tape-delayed, same day telecast. The remainder of the promotion’s events for 2008 could possibly air on a live basis, but that has not yet been determined. sources indicated that Saturday’s Dream.1 event could possibly air at a later date, but would not be live or on a same day delay. A report from on Friday night corroborated that information, stating that Mike Kogan, Director of FEGUSA, Inc., indicated that Dream.1 could possibly air sometime next week on HDNet.

Officials from neither organization would confirm that an agreement had been finalized, saying only that they were in ongoing negotiations.

The news follows the official announcement of at least four EliteXC events per year airing on the CBS television network and a likely agreement between Strikeforce and NBC.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

No Retreat No Surrender

Sorry but everyone excited about Never Back Down must not be aware that this movie was made 23 years ago

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

World Victory Road Video

I will post videos as I find them here's the opening

Nick Thompson vs. Fabricio Monteiro

Ryo Kawamura vs. Antonio Braga Neto

Evangelista vs. Santos Makoto Takimoto

Kazuyuki Fujita vs. Peter Graham

Kazuo Misaki vs. Siyar Bahadurzada

Takanori Gomi vs. Duane Ludwig

Josh Barnett vs. Yoshida

World Victory Road Sengoku Pictures

Credit, mmamaniac_211, Purin

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rua Re-Injures Knee, will undergo Surgery


Scheduled to make his return to the Octagon this June against Chuck Liddell at UFC 85 in London, light heavyweight star Mauricio “Shogun” Rua has instead been forced to withdraw from the bout due to a ruptured ACL in his left knee, the same injury he had surgery on to repair last October after his UFC 76 fight with Forrest Griffin.

Surgery on the injured knee will be scheduled shortly, and there is no word on when Rua will be cleared to return to the Octagon.

One of the game’s top 205-pound fighters, the 26-year old Rua was looking to get back in the win column after his defeat at the hands
of Griffin last year, and his bout with Liddell was just the motivation he needed to train like never before.

“I’ve never seen Shogun so motivated for a fight like this in years,” said Rua spokesman Eduardo Alonso. “This was like a new beginning for him.”

Liddell’s opponent for UFC 85, which will be held at London’s O2 Arena on June 7th, will be announced shortly. As for Rua, he promises to be back and better than ever as soon as possible.

“He thanks his fans for all the support,” said Alonso. “It means a lot to him.”

Yodsanklai vs. Souwer Slamm IV

Online Videos by

Arvloski vs O'Brien UFC 82

UFC Middleweight Division Top 30

Credit five ounces of pain

Upon further review, the UFC has a deep middleweight division
March 04, 2008 By: Sam Caplan

I’ve gone on the record in the past to say that the UFC didn’t have much depth in its middleweight division. I’ve even said that I think middleweight is the weakest division on the roster. I’d like to take both statements back.

First, the UFC does have a very good middleweight division. Outside of Anderson Silva, you also have legitimate top ten middleweights such as Yushin Okami, Rich Franklin, Dan Henderson, and Nathan Marquardt.

There also also a lot of prospects such as Thales Leites, Ed Herman, Michael Bisping, and Demian Maia.

It occurred to me how much depth that the UFC middleweight division has when I tried to compile a top 30 to get a better understanding of what might lie ahead for Silva. Below is the top 30 that I compiled.


* Current Champion
** Record according to
MMA = Lifetime MMA Record
UFC = Lifetime UFC record

Some people are going to try and debate my rankings, which they are welcomed to do but that’s not why I am posting this top 30. I’m also aware that I’m missing a few middleweights such as Rob Yundt.

I am posting it to illustrate that the UFC really does have a deep middleweight division, it’s just a situation where, with the exception of Okami, Silva has already dominated the best the division has to offer.

Silva is not an opportunistic fighter. He’s the king of the deepest middleweight division in all of MMA. His reign is legit. Parity is an element that exists in most of the UFC’s weight classes, except for 185 lbs. But how can the UFC remedy the situation?

Once you get past the top tier of guys like Henderson, Franklin, and Marquardt, you have a second tier of guys like Leben, Herman, Leites, etc. In the case of Leben, Silva has already destroyed him. But when you look at the other second-tier guys, are there any names that you’d really be excited about if they were matched up with Silva? Maybe Bisping if he can beat a couple of top guys, but for right now, that’s it.

Fedor was pretty dominant but there was still a matchup against Josh Barnett that never took place so it’s tough to suggest that he cleaned out the PRIDE heavyweight division. Once Silva beats Okami, he will legitimately have cleaned out a division and there will be no one on the horizon for him that’s currently in the UFC.

Is it possible for a fighter to be too dominant for his own good?

UFC 82 Silva VS. Henderson

Uploaded by NIKO9211

Friday, February 29, 2008

Eddie Alvarez to face Andre Dida in first round of DREAM LWGP

Eddie Alvarez confirmed to ( on Thursday afternoon that he has signed a contract to participate in DREAM’s lightweight Grand Prix.

DREAM, a collaborative effort between K-1’s HEROS and former staff members of PRIDE, will begin its tournament on March 15 in Japan. Alvarez stated that he is scheduled to fight Andre “Dida” Amade on that date during the tournament’s first round.

“The fight is 100 percent,” began Alvarez. “I just got a call from my manager, Monte Cox, everything is underway. Everything is approved and I will be heading over there (Japan) on the 10th to fight in the lightweight Grand Prix. I’m excited.”

Alavrez, who signed a three fight agreement with EliteXC in January, will be competing in DREAM with the promotion’s blessing.

“Monte (Cox) talked it over with EliteXC and EliteXC was happy to work with DREAM,” Alvarez responded when asked if special permission was needed to compete in a tournament that could require Alvarez to fight on three separate DREAM shows. “I’m sure they want to do business with them in the future so I’m sure they are more than happy to lend me over and let me do the fight.”

While Alvarez wasn’t positive as to when he would be fighting in the States again, he did indicate that a May date for a tentative EliteXC show in Atlantic City was possible. However, Alvarez was quick to add that he’s focused almost solely on making sure he advances into the second round of the DREAM tournament and that he has been training three times a day to ensure he can meet the lightweight requirements of 154 pounds.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Paulão ready for Sonnen and Marshall


After defeating Chael Sonnen at WEC 31, when did his first belt defence at 93kg category, the Judo and Jiu-Jitsu black belt Paulão Filho has a fight settled down to next March 26th against the same Sonnen, because, besides the victory, the difficulty imposed by the American made the promoters arrange a revenge. “I have two more fights and accepted this revenge, that I believe it’s an absurd, because the line needs to move, but they think Sonnen almost won me so I’ll fight”, said Paulão, that after this fight will face the American fighter Doug Marshall, that owns WEC’s belt at 93kg category.

“Too many people don’t know, but I have six fights at 83kg and ten at 93kg category, and we arranged that after this fight I’ll go there and face Doug Marshall for WEC’s belt. When I lose too much weight I hurt my health, like at last fight, when I needed to do eight hours of sauna. The first four were great, but after that I needed two hours to lose 400g”, said Paulão, that used his experience on difficulties on losing weight to comment the possibility that Wanderlei Silva come down to 83kg category.

“I believe he’ll feel. First, he needs to do a test, lose weight and do an experience. He needs to see if it’ll be good for him, because he’ll lose too mush physical strength and Wanderlei isn’t a technical guy and will lose, coming down weight, 50% of explosion and aggressiveness. If he fights at 83kg like he always does, he won’t finish the fight”, said Paulão.


Date : Sunday 13 April 2008, Open 2:00PM, Start 3:00PM

K-1 Super Heavyweight Title Match
Semmy Schilt VS Mark Hunt

Ewerton Teixeira VS Yusuke Fujimoto
Badr Hari VS Ray Sefo
Mighty Mo VS Keijiro Maeda
Ewerton Teixeira VS Yusuke Fujimoto

Participating fighters
Hong Man Choi
Glaube Feitosa
Junichi Sawayashiki
Takashi Tachikawa
Young Hyun Kim

Mighty Mo vs. Cro Cop?

Rumors of this fight happening at the first Dream event, will update when confirmation becomes available.

K-1 World MAX 2008 Final 16

K-1 World MAX 2008 Final 16

4/9 Hiroshima Prefectural Gym card line-up:

Masato vs. Virgil Kalakoda
Buakaw Por Pramuk vs. Albert Kraus
Andy Souwer vs. Mike Zambidis
Yoshihiro Sato vs. Murat Direkci
Drago vs. GORI
Artur Kyshenko vs. Jordan Tai
Rosario Presti vs. Warren Stevelmans
Chi Bin-Lim vs. Yasuhiro Kido

Yuya Yamamoto vs. Marfio Canoletti
HIROYA vs. Tsukasa Fuji

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Four Fights Announced for DREAM 1 Event

HEIWA DREAM.1 Lightweight GP 2008 1st Round
Date: March 15th, 2008
Place: Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan

Mirko Cro Cop vs. TBA

LW GP 1st Round Fights:
J.Z. Calvan vs. Shinya Aoki
Tatsuya Kawajiri vs. Black Mamba
Kazuyuki Miyata vs. Luis Buscape
Koutetsu Boku vs. Joachim Hansen

LW GP Participants:
Andre Dida
Mitsuhiro Ishida
Caol Uno
Gilbert Melendez
Artur Oumakhanov
Jung Bukyung

Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs. Kazuhiro Nakamura rumored for UFC 84


Light heavyweights Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou (4-2) and Kazuhiro Nakamura (11-7) will look for their first wins inside the Octagon when the two Pride FC veterans lock horns at UFC 84 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, on May 24, according to

Both fighters lost to Lyoto Machida in their respective debuts under the UFC banner. In fact, Sokoudjou lost via submission (arm triangle choke) in round two of his bout with Machida at UFC 79: “Nemesis” back in December 2007.

It was a hard trip back to reality for the “African Assassin” after two impressive back-to- back knockout wins against top 205-pound fighters, Ricardo Arona and Antonio Rogerio Nogueira while competing for Pride FC.

The Team Quest fighter— a decorated Judo practitioner—is up against a tough opponent who shares a similar fighting background.

Nakamura trains under Hidehiko Yoshida — a 1992 Judo Olympic gold medalist who is also a Pride FC veteran. He (Nakamura) lost to Machida via unanimous decision and after the bout was suspended for three months because of a positive test for marijuana.

The Japanese fighter has been tested against some of the top talent in the sport throughout his career, competing against standouts such as Murilo Bustamante (win), Kevin Randleman (win), Igor Vovchanchyn (win), Dan Henderson (loss), Wanderlei Silva (loss), Josh Barnett (loss) and Mauricio ‘Shogun’ Rua (loss).

This is an important fight for Sokoudjou and Nakamura because a loss could send one of them packing and looking for a new employer.

The rumored fight card is as follows:

B.J. Penn vs. Sean Sherk (UFC lightweight title)
Tito Ortiz vs. Lyoto Machida
Wanderlei Silva vs. Keith Jardine
Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou vs. Kazuhiro Nakamura
Rashad Evans vs. Thiago Silva
Wilson Gouveia vs. Goran Reljic
Ivan Salaverry vs. Rousimar Palhares
Jason Tan vs. Dong-hyun Kim
Terry Etim vs. Jeremy Stephens