Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shogun: “Minotauro boasted the Brazilians”


Designated to face Chuck Liddell at UFC at June, Mauricio Shogun told TATAME that hopes getting out the octagon with a victory, like Rodrigo Minotauro did against Tim Sylvia. “Minotauro showed a lot of strength and talent. He boasted the Braziliand”, said the athlete from Universidade da Luta, before Minotauro wins the UFC heavyweight belt. Fighting adains Wanderlei Silva’s enemy at June, Shogun showed some confidence. “It’ll be a tough fight, very tough. Liddell deserves all respect because he’s a tough guy at Boxing and Wrestling, and with all sure he’s the guy to be defeated. I’m doing all my work and certainly will beat him”, said Shogun, that’s prepared to the fight.

“I’ll train everything, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu. His best ability is Muay Thai, so I’ll train everything”, said Shogun, that waits for another Brazilian victory at UFC, with the middleweight champion Anderson Silva, that’ll face Dan Henderson at UFC 82 at March 1st. “Anderson is very talent, I believe he’ll win this fight. He’s more complete than Handeson, stand up or at the ground. Henderson will try to take this fight at the ground and pound, by he won’t make it”, bet.

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